Accept Your Age
Feel good wherever you are on your life journey with hypnosis
Is an impending ‘big’ birthday looming worryingly on your horizon?
Are you dreading being ‘past it’ or ‘over the hill’, as if life has no more to offer you?
Who wants to get older?
Getting older is very desirable when you’re very young. Children are always ready to stick “And a half!” on their age. Teenagers too look forward to being adult, imagining that this is the gateway to all freedoms. You have to be older to start worrying about it, and you have plenty of company if you feel ambivalent or even fearful about the prospect.
On a rational level, you know that there is no stopping the progress of time. On a rational level, you know that life has its stages, one after the other, and if you live long enough you will pass through them all. It seems silly to get worked up about what’s normal and natural. Other creatures don’t seem to be concerned about it. They just live. So why does it feel so hard for us to get older?
Imagination can seriously influence your future…
The answer is imagination. We can conceive of alternative realities to the one we are in right now. We can remember past realities (when we were, of course, younger). And we can envisage future realities that haven’t arrived yet. It is this imagination of ours which has allowed us to create language, math, art, science, cities, medicine, poetry, dance, the Hubble Telescope and downloadable apps. So imagination is unquestionably a good thing.
But… we don’t always use it so well!
Being able to imagine what might go wrong is very useful for working out ways to deal with challenges. But jumping to the conclusion that a negative future possibility is inevitable and inescapable and unchangeable is a way of making ourselves feel really bad right now. We frighten ourselves with a future that we made up.
… but crystal balls are not much help
Of course, as your body and mind grow older, they do change. Things that were once easy to do can become less easy over time. You might experience injury or illness, you might suffer loss. But what you can’t do is predict with certainty what exactly is going to happen to you personally. You can’t know for sure what your different life experiences are going to mean to you over time.
And there’s good news! Research has found that, by and large, older people are more likely to be happy with themselves and their lives than younger people. So though you might not want to add “And a half!” to your age, there really is good reason to look forward positively to each new stage in life.
But how do you set your fears aside so you really can embrace your future?
It’s easier than you think.
Hypnosis is a powerful way to change how you feel about aging
Accept your age is an audio hypnosis session that will deeply soothe and calm your mind and kindle a wonderful new enthusiasm for life, where every day and every stage is a fascinating adventure of discovery.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to your download, you’ll notice that you:
- Relax more quickly and more deeply each time you listen
- Enter into a deeper relationship with your core self
- Discover you have more power and more choice than you were aware of before
- Engage with your personal life story more passionately – and compassionately
- Begin to feel very curious about how far you can take this transformation
- Find yourself enjoying life more day by day.
Download Accept your age and transform how you feel. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.