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Hypnosis can help you retrain an over-sensitive gag reflex response – great for COVID testing.

Getting Control of Your Gag Reflex

Your gag reflex (as the name suggests) is a reflex action. The gag reflex is a contraction at the back of your throat which stops objects entering the throat except as part of normal swallowing. If you touch the soft palate at the back of your throat you’ll find that produces a natural gag response. Your gag reflex is nature’s way of stopping you choking. It is one of the body’s essential defense mechanisms.

The Problem with Gag Reflexes

But the gag reflex can begin to get in the way of natural and necessary functions like eating out, going to the dentists, wearing dentures or swallowing necessary medication or even brushing your teeth. This can be because of anxiety or past traumatic experience, or just heightened stress.

Quickly Re-training Reflexes with Hypnosis

It’s certainly possible to train yourself to resist the gag response. People can train themselves to do sword swallowing for instance by overcoming the natural response to gagging. That is a little extreme of course, but it illustrates how seemingly involuntary processes like the gag reflex can be brought under control. Hypnosis is an excellent way to change autonomic (unconscious) responses because it deals directly with the unconscious mind.

Control the Gag Reflex Session

The Control the Gag Reflex session will focus on retraining your gag response to be more subtle and discerning. The gag reflex is an essential tool but like any tool we need to know when to use it and when it can stay out of the way. Hypnosis is the perfect way to diminish the old access gagging pattern and get you feeling so much more relaxed and in control.

Download Control the Gag Reflex Now

Download Control the Gag Reflex now and gain control. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

If you are having difficulty with your gag reflex, don’t let it control you. Take back the control with our Control the Gag Reflex session, and start living the life you want.


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Gain Control of your Gag Reflex
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Gain Control of your Gag Reflex
Gain control of your gag reflex with our free "Control the Gag Reflex" hypnosis session. Great for COVID testing, or whatever makes you gag.
Roger Elliott
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Gain Control of your Gag Reflex

Gain control of your gag reflex with our free "Control the Gag Reflex" hypnosis session. Great for COVID testing, or whatever makes you gag.

Note: Download only available in English language.