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Overcome Anxiety About Your MRI Scan

The fear of MRI claustrophobia can put you off vital medical treatment. Let hypnosis help.

The prospect of an upcoming MRI scan makes many people nervous. Whether you have had an MRI scan before and found it unpleasant, or have just heard reports that they are claustrophobic, the fact is, the MRI process can be uncomfortable for many.

What happens during an MRI scan?

During an MRI scan you are basically lying down in a large tube. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a way of generating pictures of the body parts that are not amenable to X-rays. MRI scans are very sensitive to movement so you have to keep still for anything from around twenty to sixty minutes.

MRI scanners work by displaying clear and useful images of tissues, muscles, nerves, discs and ligaments and even the brain. The information it can provide can help you so much.

Remember during your MRI scan you should be able to talk to the radiographer through an intercom system. But bear in mind that after using Overcome MRI Scan Anxiety you might not particularly want to talk as you are so relaxed!

How hypnosis can help overcome the fear

Recent research has shown that hypnosis is particularly effective can be reducing pre-test anxiety 1.

The best way to keep still during your scan is to relax deeply – there are no side effects to MRI scans so it’s actually a perfect opportunity to hypnotically relax. And that is what this session is all about.

The beauty of priming your self hypnotically for your MRI scan is that hypnosis is the perfect state to drift into during the scan. Why? Because during hypnosis you can be any where you choose – in your mind. In your mind you can always have enough space around you, just as when you dream and ‘travel’ beyond the confines of your bed.

Hypnosis is also a wonderful way of using ‘time distortion.’ In fact time distortion is a natural every day phenomena but can be directed consciously. We’ve all experienced time flying when we are pleasantly absorbed in something (or someone) and time dragging when we are bored for example. This session can get you feeling as if time has surprisingly flown by during the MRI scan.

Download Overcome MRI Scan Anxiety today and prepare your mind to relax. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

1 Hypnosis in the treatment of anxiety and stress-related disorders


MRI Scan Anxiety

Overcome Anxiety About Your MRI Scan

Note: Download only available in English language.