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Women – Feel More Confident When Speed Dating

How hypnosis can help you present your best self in speed dating situations

There’s no doubt, when speed dating, first impressions count.

But interestingly, first impressions aren’t everything.

Many pieces (1) of research show that in the first few seconds of meeting you, people tend to know whether they are attracted to you.

However, what’s really fascinating is that after a couple of minutes they can decide that they are attracted to you by what you say, the way you sound, your facial expressions, and how you respond to what they say.

And that can happen even if they weren’t attracted to you in the first few seconds!

How do successful speed daters do it?

Some women get picked time and time again by potential speed dating partners and it isn’t just the way they look.

Have you noticed that some people just ‘feel right’ when you speak to them? Whether they look good or not, some people just seem easier to ‘click’ with.

Of course, chemistry is part of it, but it’s not all, not by a long stretch. Your anxiety levels, body language and attitude play a huge part too.

Speed Dating Confidence for women will make all the difference to your speed dating, allowing you to relax and enjoy the experience. It will also teach you powerful secrets for gaining instant rapport with men.

This hypnosis session will gently train your mind and body to relax when speed dating. You’ll also learn how to influence men by maximizing your own instant appeal.

Download Speed Dating Confidence for Women now and put your speed dating on the fast track. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

1 Judging a Book By Its Cover: Are First Impressions Accurate?


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Speed Dating Confidence for Women
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Speed Dating Confidence for Women
Speed Dating Confidence for Women. How self-hypnosis can help you present your best self in speed dating situations.
Roger Elliott
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Speed Dating Confidence for Women

Speed Dating Confidence for Women. How self-hypnosis can help you present your best self in speed dating situations.

Note: Download only available in English language.