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How to ask for a pay raise calmly and confidently

Hypnotically rehearse successfully negotiating a pay rise

Utilizing self-assertion and preparedness to ask for a pay raise can be intimidating. The self-doubt of ‘selling yourself’ and feeling you haven’t the right words to negotiate can easily set in. It is a common misconception that your boss has taken into consideration your pay level – but by expressing your value and speaking up, you can improve your chances of success.

Asking for a review does not mean your criticizing your manager, and can even open up the possibilities of a more challenging and financially rewarding role. Understandably, this thought can leave anxious or with a sleepless night. A relaxed and confident mindset can help you overcome this fear and equip with you the right attitude and words to put forward your case.

The Asking for a Raise hypnosis download provides you with negotiation tools and tips, priming you to ask for a pay raise with confidence. You can also rehearse your desired outcome before the actual conversation.

Download Ask for a Raise today and maximize your chances of achieving a successful result.


Asking for a Raise

How to ask for a pay raise calmly and confidently. Hypnotically rehearse successfully negotiating a pay rise.

Note: Download only available in English language.