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How to Increase Your Typing Speed With Hypnosis

Great typists type unconsciously – so it makes sense to train yourself using hypnosis

It can be frustrating when you’re learning to type. No matter how hard you try, the errors keep happening.  Would you like to improve your typing speed?

And when you look at great typists, they’re not even thinking about it!

They’re probably thinking about what they’re going to have for lunch while rattling out the WPMs!

Making typing an unconscious skill

When you walk you don’t really have to think about it too much, or when you blink or speak, or chew your food.

All these activities are taken care of by your unconscious mind. And this is what happens when you master any activity.

A great pianist trusts his or her fingers – because they move quicker than conscious thought. Hypnosis appeals to your unconscious mind; the part of you which will become expert at speed typing.

Why speed typing is such an asset

Being able to touch type quickly is such an asset. Sixty, seventy or even more words per minute without even having to think about the keyboard.

Whether you’re typing as a professional, or just need to type as part of your job, getting faster will make it so much easier to put your thoughts down as they occur to you. You’ll not only improve your productivity, but you creativity too.

How hypnosis can help increase your typing speed

To make the best use of the Improve Your Typing Speed hypnosis session you need to actually learn touch typing to begin with.

What this session is going to do is give you a tool to use self hypnotically so that when ever you have a spare five minutes you’ll be able to enter a wide awake trance state and hypnotically improve your typing speed.

You’ll quickly notice that your fingers start to know where to go all by themselves and you are increasingly able to sit back and watch your fingers do the work!

Download Improve Your Typing Speed now and discover a fun way to put your typing speed into overdrive. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.


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Improve Your Typing Speed
How to Improve Your Typing Speed With Hypnosis. Great typists type unconsciously - so it makes sense to train yourself using hypnosis.
Roger Elliott
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Improve Your Typing Speed

How to Improve Your Typing Speed With Hypnosis. Great typists type unconsciously - so it makes sense to train yourself using hypnosis.

Note: Download only available in English language.