Overcome Public Speaking Fear With Hypnosis
Banish speaking anxiety and nerves with this gentle, permissive hypnosis session
Does even the thought of standing up in front of an audience bring you out in a cold sweat?
Do you dread the idea of being called to speak in public?
You are not alone. Surveys of people’s worst fears consistently rank giving presentations and speeches in the number one position. More frightening than jumping out of a plane at 20,000 feet. Into a swamp full of man eating alligators.
Why is public speaking so frightening?
Ridiculous, isn’t it?
What could be safer than standing in a room full of (mostly) friendly people and sharing information and ideas with them? Especially if you know your stuff and have done all the ‘right’ things in preparation?
Yet here you are, acting like twenty man-eating alligators are snapping at your knees.
Share information? Speak coherently and intelligently? You must be kidding! I gotta run! Now!
So why does this happen?
How public speaking fear works on you
For one reason or another, your brain has learnt to provide you with the wrong unconscious response when you speak in public.
Instead of getting just the right amount of adrenaline and excitement to optimize your performance, you get a fear response like you’re being attacked by a wild animal.
The good news is, this piece of ‘faulty wiring’ can be fixed. And much more easily than you might expect.
Why hypnosis can help cure fear of public speaking
Hypnotherapy is the directed use of the imagination paired with deep relaxation, nature’s ideal learning state. And because hypnosis lets you access the unconscious mind, you can prepare yourself for public speaking on an emotional level.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to the Public Speaking Confidence hypnosis session, you’ll find that you:
- Feel a very welcome lessening of tension generally in your life (that old fear had its hooks everywhere)
- Notice that the thought of making a presentation or anything similar no longer troubles you
- Feel comfortable with the idea that you don’t have to be perfect to be good
- Begin to feel a deep implicit trust in yourself to speak well, no matter what happens
- Start actually looking forward to having more opportunities to speak
- Enjoy that little spurt of adrenaline that signals that you are now ready to get out there and speak.
Download Public Speaking Confidence and let your audience know what you want to tell them. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.
This self-hypnosis audio is available as part of a 5-pack
Save $24.80 off the full price with our pack discount.
The Public Speaking Fear Pack also contains these 4 carefully selected downloads:

Powerful Public Speaking
Develop more powerful public speaking. Hypnosis can help you really raise your game at making speeches and presentations.

7-11 Breathing Exercise
Relax Deeply with the 7-11 Breathing Exercise. Learn how to beat anxiety and reduce stress quickly and naturally.

Public Speaking – the Question from Hell
Public speaking presentations – the question from hell. Powerful hypnotic training helps you handle anything your audience can throw at you.

Long Term Presentation Anxiety
How to Overcome Long Term Presentation Anxiety. Hypnosis can help you stay calm and cool in the time leading up to your presentation.