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Get Help Caring for a Mentally Ill Child

Develop the skills and resilience to be a calm, supportive presence for your child

Are you struggling with the stress of caring for a mentally ill child?

Do you ever feel like you’re not able to be there for your child as much as you’d like?

No doubt about it, caring for a mentally ill child is tough. Sometimes it feels as if there is no end in sight and nothing you can do will help.

This can also be an incredibly lonely time. You might feel isolated, as if nobody else could possibly understand what you’re going through. Or worse, you might feel judged or even abandoned by those around you.

And as if all that’s not enough, it’s easy to fall prey to feelings of guilt and inadequacy as you continually try to help but always seem to be left wanting.

But here’s the thing.

It’s not your fault

Anyone can experience a mental health crisis. In fact, every year around one in four people experiences some kind of mental health problem. You can do everything right, and sometimes things will still go wrong.

The best thing you can do for your child is to simply be there for them. And the only way you can do that is if you look after yourself.

When you become better at caring for yourself, you will feel stronger and more capable. You will develop the resources to tackle the challenges of caring for your child head-on. And you will have the spare capacity to do whatever it takes to help your family through this.

Change your mindset

Looking after yourself isn’t just about the physical side of things. You also need to be mentally prepared to face this problem together with your family. And it all starts with changing your mindset.

When you accept and understand your situation, you will be in a better place to find the right strategies to overcome life’s challenges. You will find that you are more able to be there for your child as a calm, supportive presence.

Of course, this is not the life you imagined for yourself or your child. But this is the reality, and the sooner you accept that, the more effective you can be in coping with the challenges you face.

And remember: this too shall pass. Mental illness is nearly always temporary.

How hypnosis can help

Caring for a Mentally Ill Child is an audio hypnosis session that will equip you with the skills to stay strong as you support your child through this difficult time.

As you relax and listen repeatedly to your session, you’ll notice that you:

  • Become more understanding and accepting of your situation
  • Let go of feelings of guilt and self-blame
  • Are able to support your child to the best of your ability
  • Develop the inner strength to face problems head-on
  • Feel calmer and more hopeful about the future.

Download Caring for a Mentally Ill Child now and find the inner resources to better look after yourself and your child. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.


Caring For A Mentally Ill Child

Develop the skills and resilience to be a calm, supportive presence for your child

Note: Download only available in English language.