Develop the attitudes of history’s greatest achievers with Inspirational Lives
Throughout history great men and women have made incredible achievements, often against the greatest odds. Now you can learn – at an attitude level – how they did it and how you can too.
We all need role models. People to inspire us. It’s a modern fashion to downplay the truly heroic, to put a negative spin on true effort, talent and guts, but deep down we all admire these people and wonder what it would take for us to become one of them.
Set inspirational blueprints in your mind
Hypnotic role models set strong instinctive ‘blueprints’ in your mind of how you could be. Learning how others triumph against all odds makes you believe that you too can make great efforts, stay on course and believe in yourself and your vision.
The hypnotic role models in the Growth Zone’s Inspirational Lives series have been selected for their noble human qualities. When you truly absorb these peoples’ attitudes they start to develop within you so that these people become, in a sense, a part of you. The seven downloads in this series are:
- Galileo Galilei know your own mind
- Douglas Bader determination & self belief
- Mary Keller woman of spirit
- Sir Richard Burton daring & courage
- Viktor Frankl courage in the face of adversity
- Robert the Bruce true grit
- Milton Erickson against all odds
The ‘Galileo – know your own mind’ session focuses on being true to what you know is right in the face of disapproval and censor from others – a great heroic quality,
The tale of Douglas Bader – determination and belief, is awe-inspiring and sets the template in your mind for indestructible determination, grit and utter courage.
In the third hypnotic download of the series Mary Keller’s example of determination and self belief inspires as she triumphs over seemingly impossible odds.
Sir Richard Burton, Victorian renaissance man of action, combined spiritual, intellectual and physical courage. Burton is one of those figures in history whose presence in modern times would seem impossible. He spoke dozens of languages, was reputed to be the world’s best swordsman, was respected as a mystic in the East and never backed down from danger. He was more James Bond than 007 himself!
Viktor Frankl survived years in Nazi concentration camps. He never lost his faith in humanity, dignity or compassion. He helped and inspired those around him and his story and personal qualities can help to motivate you and lighten your spirit.
Robert the Bruce, greatest of all Scottish heroes, secured his country’s freedom against overwhelming odds. With a blend of courage, cunning and patience, he defeated the much-stronger English forces, finally forcing them to seek peace.
The final ‘hero blueprint’ is Milton Erickson, arguably the greatest psychologist and master of clinical hypnosis that ever lived. A man who through sheer self faith overcome huge personal handicaps to help thousands of people live happier, more fulfilling lives. He has changed the way we view the human condition.