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Develop more independence in your relationships

You can overcome excessive codependency by altering your mindset – hypnosis can help.

Confidently know when your can make you own decisions and when to seek advice from others

  • Do you find you have difficulty making decisions?
  • Are you more concerned what others think, rather than what your own opinion is?
  • Do you worry constantly that your actions will cause others displeasure?

In any loving relationship, it is easy to become overly dependent on our partner; to the extent that their needs always override our own. Excessive codependency can quickly lead to overwhelming anxiety and other problems.

In the short term, this can feel loving and often occurs in the early stages of a relationship; but if you become too ‘absorbed’ in your partner, the relationship and your own life inevitably suffer.

True independence within a relationship means being able to trust yourself to make your own decisions, and incorporating the opinions of others when necessary.

Developing independence will help you improve your skills and help you strike that fine balance that allows true independence to improve relationships and strengthen the bonds between you.

Download the session now and enjoy the freedom that true independence brings.


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Developing Independence
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Developing Independence
Develop more independence in your relationships. You can overcome excessive codependency by altering your mindset - hypnosis can help.
Roger Elliott
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Developing Independence

Develop more independence in your relationships. You can overcome excessive codependency by altering your mindset - hypnosis can help.

Note: Download only available in English language.