How to Learn to Trust Again
Leave betrayal behind and start building trust based relationships again with this gentle, permissive hypnosis session.
Fire, Water and Trust are walking in the woods and one of them blurted out “Hey, what are we going to do if we get lost from each other?”
Fire said “Oh don’t worry, just look for the smoke, that’s where I’ll be”.
Water said “Oh, don’t worry, just look for the green grass, that’s where I’ll be”.
Trust said “You better worry because if you lose me you’ll never find me again”.
You believed them and took them at their word. But their word meant nothing. They betrayed you, taking your faith in others and your own judgement with them.
Trust is the lifeblood of strong and healthy relationships. But what happens when you feel you can’t trust other people?
Without trust in relationships everything becomes doubt, suspicion and pessimism. It’s more about when you will be let down, not if you might be let down.
Once bitten, twice shy
When someone, or a series of different people, let you down badly it can feel as if you can never trust again.
It’s true some people are down-right nasty and should be avoided, but many more only behave badly now and then, leaving a heap of decent people who are worth trusting.
The trouble is, when you respond very emotionally it becomes hard to be discerning in your choices.
Trust and self-fulfilling prophesies
If you assume that everyone is out to betray you or will inevitably let you down, then you begin to look for signs of this happening. And before you know it, you begin to see what we expect to see, even if those things aren’t there!
Imagine you could remove the suspicion filter, and start to see other’s behaviour more objectively. You will still spot the nasty characters, but you’ve opened yourself up to building relationships with all sorts of other, worthy, people.
This hypnosis audio session ‘Learn to Trust Again‘ will get you feeling;
- more open and relaxed with others so that you can give all your relationships the best chance.
- more confident in your own judgement
- more able to judge people’s behaviour for what it is
- ready to trust again.
Download ‘Learn to Trust Again’ now and enjoy your relationships again. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.