Breathe Deeply, Naturally
Reset your natural, healthy breathing pattern with hypnosis
Are anxiety and stress making your breathing shallow or fast?
Do you usually breathe only from the upper chest?
Shallow fast breathing is linked to your body’s fight or flight response. This is exactly how an animal breathes when it is suddenly in danger.
You can see why this is useful, because the fight/flight response gets you ready for action, so you can run for your life, or fight for it.
Why deep breathing is so important
That’s all very well in an emergency, but if quick shallow breathing becomes a habit, something you do all the time, it can make you feel like you’re always stressed and anxious.
And you might not have any idea why you’re feeling like that. Or what to do about it.
When you start breathing smoothly and deeply again, as a matter of course, your mind and body feel so much better. You won’t have so much stress hormone going around in your body.
You’ll feel much calmer and be able to think more clearly. This lets you deal with life’s challenges much better. On top of that, your lungs will do their job better, and your brain will function at its best.
But how do you crack the habit?
Hypnosis is a great way to ‘reprogram’ old habits
Natural Deep Breathing is a powerful hypnosis session that will quickly get you back to breathing the way you were born to breathe – fully and deeply.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to your session, you’ll find that you
- Naturally relax more deeply and more quickly each time you listen
- Feel much more calm and laid back about life in general
- Find yourself breathing deeply and fully without even thinking about it
- Get much less stressed out by difficulties and problems
- Generally feel healthier, stronger, calmer and more clear-headed.
Download Natural Deep Breathing now and reap the benefits of proper breath. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.
This self-hypnosis audio is available as part of a 5-pack
Save $24.80 off the full price with our pack discount.
The Beat Fear and Anxiety Pack also contains these 4 carefully selected downloads:
Overcome Fear and Anxiety
Overcome Fear and Anxiety. This self-hypnosis audio can stop worry and apprehension wrecking your life. Private, effective, affordable.
Generalized Anxiety Treatment
Instant Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment. Use self-hypnosis for anxiety, and you can feel calm today.
Stop Feeling Trapped
Feeling trapped in life? Feel like you have little or no control? Open yourself up to positive life changes with the help of self-hypnosis.
Stop Thinking the Worst
Are you always imagining things are going to turn out badly? Self-hypnosis can help you stop thinking the worst & give a calmer perspective.