Get Yourself Ready for Coming Out as Gay
Let this gentle, permissive hypnosis session help you prepare mentally and emotionally.
Are you hoping or planning to come out as gay to family and friends? Coming out as gay can be daunting.
Are anxieties about people’s reactions making you hesitate?
Huge changes in social attitudes over recent decades have meant that in many countries it’s now much more accepted that humans naturally have different sexual orientations, and this is no big deal.
But these changes have not happened to the same degree everywhere, and even if the society you live in is more welcoming of gay people, you may still encounter individual prejudice, or negative reactions from your own loved ones.
This means that revealing to others that you are gay or lesbian can still be an emotional process fraught with difficulty. It’s no wonder that people feel nervous about doing it. It can feel like you’re somehow threatening the family structure, or challenging the basis of your friendships.
At the same time, it’s painful and difficult to feel you have to keep up a pretense of being something that you’re not.
Will the world end if you tell people you’re gay?
Like every other human being, regardless of sexual orientation, you want and need to be accepted for who you are and what you are, and to be valued for everything you are.
And you especially want those who are close to you to really know who you are and love you for who you are – as you do them. But what if the revelation that you are gay drives a wedge between you? Fear of this can make you hold back for a long time.
But the fact that you are reading this shows that you are really getting ready to take this step of living more openly in line with who you are. It shows that you are thinking lovingly of others, and how you can most kindly share with them something they may find difficult to deal with. It shows that you also want to look after yourself as you go through what may be a tricky emotional time.
And there is a lot you can do to prepare yourself!
Hypnosis is an ideal way to prepare for the challenge of coming out
Coming Out as Gay is an audio hypnosis session developed by psychologists that will help you acquire the mental attitudes and emotional skills to handle this transition in the smoothest possible way.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to your session, you will be powerfully equipping yourself to:
- remain quietly calm and confident as you come out to different people
- fully appreciate the positive responses you will receive
- enrich and strengthen your relationships with many people
- deal patiently and compassionately with any negative reactions
- nurture your own inner strength and resilience
- step out fully into living your life as the person you really are.
Download Coming Out as Gay and be who you are. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.