Sleep Deep, Sleep Long With This Extra-Long Hypnosis Session
Enjoy being lulled to sleep for longer
Do you sometimes have trouble falling asleep?
Or do you wake in the night and find it difficult to get back to sleep afterwards?
Whether it’s at bedtime or during the night, hypnosis is a wonderful way to get the mind back into the sleep state. The deep relaxation, the imagery and the absorption in an alternative reality parallels closely the way we naturally fall asleep.
So instead of tossing and turning, getting grumpier and grumpier as you lose precious minutes, then hours of sleep, just pop on this extended sleep hypnosis session and float into deep, delicious sleep.
What’s different about this sleep session?
You may know that we have a range of sleep related sessions, including some which perform a similar service to this one – to help you fall asleep quickly.
So why have we produced another one?
Well some regular users of our sleep sessions have told us it’s nice to have a new one from time to time. Although others do seem to stick to a favorite – each to their own!
This session is longer than our usual 25-30 minutes and has no reorientation at the end. So if you’re someone who typically takes longer to fall asleep, this session has you covered.
How does sleep hypnosis work?
Sleep Long, Sleep Deep is an audio hypnosis session that you listen to when it’s time to go to sleep.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to your session, you’ll notice that you:
- Quickly stop the common stream of worry thoughts that tend to keep us awake
- Relax deeply, surprisingly quickly
- Start to look forward to bedtime
- Awake refreshed and relaxed in the morning
- Feel brighter, more focused and relaxed during the day.
Download Sleep Long, Sleep Deep now and enjoy bedtime tonight. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.