Cultivate the right attitude and practices to bring new friendships into your life.
Do you find it hard to make friends?
Do you wish it could just happen naturally?
Humans are social creatures at heart. Even the most self-reliant people long for meaningful connections with others. But in today’s world, it can be difficult to make friends, especially as an adult.
Luckily, the same forces that hardwire us to want social relationships also give us the tools to make it happen.
What friendships mean
Friendships enrich our lives. They provide support in times of need, and foster that all-important sense of community. When you have no friends, it takes a toll on both your mental and physical health.
But friendships cannot be forced. Even if you join clubs, play team sports, and attend community events, you still may struggle to move your relationships from acquaintance to friend.
That’s because real friendships take time. They must be nurtured over many months and allowed to blossom at their own rate.
How to make new friends, naturally
Making friends in real life isn’t the same as on social media. It takes more than just clicking “Add Friend”!
In the real world, friendship is not a simple yes-or-no question. Friendships are meaningful relationships that, like seedlings, start small and fragile and grow bigger and stronger over time. And just like seedlings, in order to flourish, friendships need the right kind of “soil.”
Creating the right environment to encourage friendships means trying new things, saying “yes” to experiences, and keeping an open mind and a friendly attitude.
And you have to keep at it. Friendships take a long time to grow. Research suggests that 60 hours of interaction are required for acquaintances to become friends — and hundreds of hours are needed to build deep friendships.1
When you have a firm understanding of how friendships develop, it’s easier to stay motivated while doing the right things.
How hypnosis can help
Make Friends Naturally is an audio hypnosis session that will help you internalize the appropriate way to build genuine friendships, supporting your efforts to meet new people and become friends with them.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to your session, you’ll notice that you:
- Have a better feel for how real friendships are formed
- Feel much more confident and relaxed about being open and friendly towards others
- Naturally adopt the right actions and attitudes to allow friendships to grow
- Take a healthy long-term outlook on making friends.
Download Make Friends Naturally now and start cultivating more meaningful friendships. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.